Sunday, August 26, 2012

Let's go to the Beach each, Let's go get away....

Today we took a bus to Viareggio, a city about 1 hour west of Florence to go to the beach.  After this past week and all the hot heat we've had, it was much needed before school officially starts on Monday.
The weather was perfect.  The water was cool, the sand was hot, and the view was amazing (you can't see in this picture because of the clouds, but the Apuan Alps were in the background).
 This is a picture of the LTU clan.  Ehren, Me, Steph, and Bre.  Note that this picture was taken pretty early on, because we all look like lobsters now.  Sunscreen was 18 for a small little bottle, so we tried to conserve it for future use.
This is just a picture from the boat dock that I took.
These are "wine boxes" (the juice box for Europeans) that we got today.  Only set us back 1.20€ for a whole liter!